Some of you know my 4 legged boyfriend(so he thinks) Samson "no" the basset hound. Some say he thinks he's my boyfriend by the way he loves to dine with me and share my coffee, he destroys my credit cards, sits between me & company while kissing & looking at me adoringly, and he thinks Im so beautiful I dont need makeup so he eats that! Like any boyfriend if you don't live with him you will most likely find him handsome, smart and adorable, people always offer to take him home, he listens so intently to them speak seeming to comprehend every word and respond accordingly. He is so alert & attentive, a little extra waddle for the public like a hypnotist he charms them. Im sure he does understand & probably could speak English but he wouldn't want to reveal this secret because he prefers to feign stupidity when it suits him.... like being told "no". At the use of his middle name, he will wag his tail in appreciation,droop his eyes in Innocence, "who me?". When I caught him on the table investigating what we were having for dinner, My father nearby clutching his chest in horror, trying to choke out the words I yell, "Samson NOOOOOOOO" but he merely looks at me and wags his tail as if to say"who me? pull up a chair, no worries, Ill share" ! I should have known way back during that grace period when he first came to live with me, there were signs. For although he is driven by his nose and he is perpetually hungry as all hounds are, he always takes the time to unwrap his food, take lids off, peel the foil or plastic off a sandwich, gently carry coffee cups to a safe location. I should have seen it coming when he could open doors, refrigerators, childproof cabinets, & draws, when he started pulling out chairs to get on counters & tables, opening the dishwasher to lick the plates, and when all else fails he will roll the computer chair to wherever he needs it, he consistently does this to get over a baby gate. Samson has an amazing ability to blame things on his brothers & sisters. He will casually leave them with the evidence when he is done and pretend to be sleeping in his bed. The other dogs don't stand a chance, I can only hope to outsmart him someday. Should they have something he wants he will pretend something interesting is going on in the kitchen or run madly to the back door im sure he is howling, "a steak is in the yard, arooo" tricking them outside and out of their prized possession. Or poor Clyde is an easy target his weakness being sox. Now he never chews them he just likes to have them, something like Dobby of Harry Potter, Clyde can not resist a sock. Samson will often use Clyde's weakness to get treats, toys or a spot on the couch by tempting Clyde away with a sock from the laundry room. Than there is Fanny, my English Bulldog we are convinced he is trying to kill. We've had a series of life threatening events that usually begin with Samson giving her something dangerous he stole, like a knife, a box cutter, an overdose of yeast from the pantry, and I'm sure he didn't steal a bag of broken glass from the garbage & leave it in her crate on accident, he obviously was smart enough not to eat any of these things but instead gave them to her.... it makes you wonder is this a plot to kill? We may someday hear Samson's side of all this because he has been trying to use the computer for about a year now, and I'm sure he is getting closer & closer to working the keyboards but its a little ruff with paws! You can meet Samson"no" the basset ,most days he is with me at Missdoolittles. When he's not busy charming the customers you may find him waiting on my grooming table where he has discovered dogs on the grooming table get my undivided attention! Be warned please leave your food & drinks in the car and you may call him by name Samson or his alias "NO" as he responds the same :)
Samson's favorite
preheat oven 375
mix together 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup shredded cheddar, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 tsp cilantro leaves, 1 tsp parsley
Add 2 tbls of vegetable oil, 1/2 cup chopped peanuts, 1/2 cup water
shape into goldf size balls, place on greased baking pan and cook for 30 min.