Don't let this basset fool you I thought he was innocent too! This is no ordinary basset hound indeed looks can be deceiving. He uses those puppy dog eyes and that hush puppy swagger to distract you and take what he wants! This isn't the first time he stole from me so I am forced to contemplate should I file charges against huckleberry hound? A cookie here or there I could live with, even the toy or 2 he has played fetch with and discretely tucked under his bed to smuggle home. But after his second or 3rd visit he wanted more. I first realized Huckleberry hound may be a kleptomaniac after a stay at my house days later his father came into the salon, head down, red faced looking ashamed carrying several articles of my clothing. He explained how sorry he was, hoped I would forgive Huck for his weakness and admitted this wasn't the first time Mr. Hound has been caught with contraband after a playdate. Well of course I laughed and forgave my favorite 4 legged sleepover buddy how could I not? Huckleberry is the most endearing hound I have ever met and I have 3 basset hounds of my own so I know. Whenever he is introduced to anyone within seconds of intro they exclaim his resemblance to a cartoon character. He can be quite expressive. Starting usually with fast paced aroooo's(aroo aroo aroo aroo) accompanied by head shaking that makes his jowls quiver and slap together in a most comical way he alarms me letting me know someone has invaded his space but than he will transition into slow, long enthusiastic arrooo's aroooooooooo....arooooooooooo thowing his head back as he searches for a toy to play fetch with the newcomer. After a few minutes of this song and dance most people are laughing and Mr. Hound has stole the first thing on his agenda, their heart! I see how I let it happen, how he stole my heart and betrayed me. Several more visits and huckleberry upped the anti. We were having so much fun, I thought I knew him, I considered him family and than his Dad once again bashfully came to see me. In his hand he carried 2 remote controls. 1 to my air conditioner and the other the TV, found stowed between the blankets of Huck's bed when he returned home. Well once again I blame myself. I do tend to keep it hotter than most like it and maybe I wasn't paying attention to what Huckleberry wanted to watch that would explain why the TV always ends up on Animal Planet and I was layering my clothes all weekend, at least I'm not crazy. Now here we come to the final incident that has made me question my relationship and open my eyes to what a fool I have been. It happened Sunday, July 12th. I met with Huck's Dad to drop him off after a 1 week visit. It was bitter sweet we were both happy and sad to see his dad but I loaded his things into the truck and watched him go as I strolled thru the parking lot and into the Wallmart to do some shopping. I didn't find what I needed and stopped at another store on the way home to get some final ingredients to make more dog treats for the coming week. Finally more than an hour later I was home and discovered without my phone. My calender, all my contacts and business clients , my life is in my phone I was frantic. As anyone would do I searched the car, the house, and finally started back tracking my day. By 8pm that night a light went off and I called Mr. Hound to see if he might have my phone. But he was careful this time and my phone was not found hidden in his bed. By Tuesday afternoon I relented, reported my phone missing and filed a claim. Like lightening Wednesday by 12pm my new phone arrived. It was disappointing, it didn't have cute bulldogs all over or that greet on incoming and it certainly didn't bark and howl when it rang. It was dark and unfamiliar. I went about programming it anyway and just as I finished not 5 minutes later I heard the first unfamiliar ring, I looked ,having no contacts it was an unfamiliar # but when I answered, it was not an unfamiliar story. My old phone had turned up in Huckleberry's things. So hearing how I have been cunningly betrayed by my favorite basset hound tell me what would you do?
7-16-09-I have had a chance to sleep on it and realize Huckleberry would miss me like I miss him and probably had my phone to keep in touch! I cant press charges, I LOVE HIM!!!
Dog Meal Recipe of the day
Huck Howls 4 this dish:
Hearty Hound Loaf borrowed @ https://www.threedog.com/Default.aspx
1 1/2 lbs ground turkey
1 egg
1/2 tsp sage
1tbls minced garlic
1/4 C finely chopped green bell pepper
1/2 C corn(I substitute peas)
1 medium tomato chopped
6 ounces tomato paste
preheat 350
combine ingrediants, pack into greased loaf pan and nake for 1 and 1/2 hours. Cool, slice and serve