I have been thinking the last few days about what I want to say, what do I have to say that's important, funny or that people will care to hear about? When it comes to pets, dogs, cats or any other four legged fur buddy on the planet I can chat it up for hours! I would love to talk about my thoughts and experience with aroma therapy and dogs in the grooming salon, vets office, or the benefits in any stressful situation for pets! I love to talk about the funny crazy antics of my pets especially my basset hound Sampson "NO" the basset dog, who thinks his name is NO, his cheerful brother Clyde who should be a cartoon character or my princess Fanny the English Bulldog! I could talk for several more hours about dog behavior, pet products I love and sell and want to keep for my own dog pack!
Ultimately I decided the single Biggest change created in my life and the lives of my pets was after I read the book The Whole Pet Diet by Andi Brown!!! It's no secret I have been a sponge, reading and studying dog food for years trying to narrow my choices down to 2 or 3 of the best pet foods available to keep my pets living a long, happy life! It's an obsession, I am a pest to my relatives reading the labels on the dog and cat food they buy! But in my defense every pet I know is eating better! Some aren't itchy anymore, some no longer suffer hot spots and break outs, ear infections, dry skin and all the other discomforts of poor diet. Now even after all this several months ago 2 of my most sensitive dogs had reactions to a dog food I gave them! Sampson has suffered from allergies , loose stools, and ear infections from the day I rescued him off the streets. After many vet visits I was told he might always have these issues. After cooking for him and trying different foods I discovered I could control these issues. But both he and my English bulldog broke out after eating this premium dog food I bought. Fanny had welts all over her body that turned into hot spots! Fortunately I am a pet groomer and have studied skin related issues and was able to immediately get her reaction under control! I spent several days researching pet foods again, I was an insane person at the computer surfing from site to site and if its not 1 thing it's another! It's organic but it uses ingredients that cause allergic reactions in my basset hound, the raw food diet but now I am worrying about salmonella, the dog food is wonderful but the bag its packaged in causes cancer! Which is how I ended up looking into environmentally friendly options for my house. Many of the products we use are extremely hurtful to pets and babies. Pets absorb everything they come in contact with thru their paws. Well that's another blog! If you would like more info on the Eco Friendly subject visit with me here:
Ultimately I decided the single Biggest change created in my life and the lives of my pets was after I read the book The Whole Pet Diet by Andi Brown!!! It's no secret I have been a sponge, reading and studying dog food for years trying to narrow my choices down to 2 or 3 of the best pet foods available to keep my pets living a long, happy life! It's an obsession, I am a pest to my relatives reading the labels on the dog and cat food they buy! But in my defense every pet I know is eating better! Some aren't itchy anymore, some no longer suffer hot spots and break outs, ear infections, dry skin and all the other discomforts of poor diet. Now even after all this several months ago 2 of my most sensitive dogs had reactions to a dog food I gave them! Sampson has suffered from allergies , loose stools, and ear infections from the day I rescued him off the streets. After many vet visits I was told he might always have these issues. After cooking for him and trying different foods I discovered I could control these issues. But both he and my English bulldog broke out after eating this premium dog food I bought. Fanny had welts all over her body that turned into hot spots! Fortunately I am a pet groomer and have studied skin related issues and was able to immediately get her reaction under control! I spent several days researching pet foods again, I was an insane person at the computer surfing from site to site and if its not 1 thing it's another! It's organic but it uses ingredients that cause allergic reactions in my basset hound, the raw food diet but now I am worrying about salmonella, the dog food is wonderful but the bag its packaged in causes cancer! Which is how I ended up looking into environmentally friendly options for my house. Many of the products we use are extremely hurtful to pets and babies. Pets absorb everything they come in contact with thru their paws. Well that's another blog! If you would like more info on the Eco Friendly subject visit with me here:
But after all my research I started looking into home cooked diets and kept coming back to the Whole Pet Diet. This diet is widely accepted by other all natural healers, veterinarians and diet experts. Even those promoting their own books, diets and food will agree with the diet method developed by Andi Brown. The theory is cooking with stews so all the nutrients and vitamins stay in the stew and you don't loose any of the nutrition by cooking it off like you might in other prepared meals for pets. This makes sense to me, I know chicken soup makes me feel better when I'm sick why wouldn't it be a the perfect way to cook for my dogs? In this book you will also find recipes for supplements you can make at home instead of buying for a small fortune at a pet store. The meal planning is for both cats and dogs. If you have a senior, sick or ailing pet you really both will enjoy the benefits! If you just want your pet to get the most out of life and don't want to spend your time or money at the veterinarians you will love the The Whole Pet Diet! Andi Brown is also the creator of Halo Pet Products which I thought was interesting because I couldn't understand why someone that sells pet foods would promote a home cooking book for dogs and cats in their online pet food store. Even on the Halo Pets website they offer the latest pet food recipes to encourage home cooking. I can only guess because Andi Brown feels as strongly about the benefits to pets as I do. My dogs are healthier now than ever but what are the benefits to me? I don't worry any longer about pet food recalls, I wont be using pesticides this year to prevent Sampson's flea allergies, because healthy pets don't attract pests, I was spending a fortune on premium dog foods and this option has cut my expense and there is no more mystery to what is in their dog food! I also am eating better though! I have an excuse to keep fresh fruits and vegetables in the house and I don't watch them go bad! If I don't eat them the dogs do! I have cut down on the toxic exposure to me and my pets by integrating more Eco friendly, organic, and all natural foods and household items in my home! So this was the topic I wanted to discuss first, I encourage you to at least read The Whole Pet Diet I am positive you and your pets will feel as strongly about it as I do!
FREE Dog Treats Recipe
An Apple a Day Dogs Treat
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unbleached flour
1/2 cup cornmeal 1 apple -- chopped or grated
1 egg -- beaten
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon brown sugar, packed
3/8 cup water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray cookie sheet with vegetable oil spray. Lightly dust work surface with flour. Blend flours and cornmeal m large mixing bowl. Add apple, egg, oil, brown sugar and water; mix until well blended. On floured surface, roll dough out to 7/8-inch thickness. Cut with cookie cutters of desired shape and size. Place treats on prepared sheet. Bake in preheated oven 35 to 40 minutes. Turn off oven. Leave door closed 1 hour to crisp treats. Remove treats from oven. Store baked treats in airtight container or plastic bag and place in refrigerator or freezer. MAKES 2 to 2 1/2 dozen
FREE Cat Treat Recipe
6 ounces undrained tuna
1 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/3 cup water
Pre heat oven 350
Mix all ingrediants in bowl with hands. Roll out into 1/4" thickness and cut into bite size tidbits, place on greased cookie sheet ,bake 20 minutes or until golden, let cool and serve!
Calm your stressed out dog! Use the essential oil lavender. Put a few drops on your fingers and massage into the pad of the paw, whatever is left on your hands rub gently at the base of the ear, not in the canal. I love this trick! But make sure you are not using a synthetic oil it must all natural essential. This tip is for dogs only you must be much more careful using aroma therapy for cats as they are more sensitive!
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